. The Tasting Palette .

. In celebration of food and dining experiences .

    Indulging myself in food porn (online or food magazines)
    Exploring and discovering new restaurants
    Dining and chilling out with my loved ones
    Baking and cooking over the weekends
    Sharing my love for food with others
    Desserts by Pierre Herme- Written by Dorie Greenspan
    Vanilla bean pods (one can never have enough)
    Valrhona Cocoa powder
    Valrhona chocolate
    Macarons from Laduree and Pierre Herme
    Madelines mold
    Pretty cake stands (I only have one and only one)
    YUZU from Japan! (They taste great in almost anything)
    A food tour to Italy and France
    Opportunity to study at Le Cordon Bleu

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Popcorn delight!

No Reservations

J and I caught the preview of this movie. I love the first scene of the movie when Kate (Catherine Zeta Jones) was describing her truffle sauce. I was expecting to see more food in the movie so I was a little disappointed when that did not happen.

But it is a good paced, light-hearted movie to watch. My favourite scene was when Zoe, her niece, was smelling the ugly-looking truffles, and was put off by its smell. She dumped the few pieces of precious truffles away!

The other scene that I really like was the one when Nick( Aaron Eckhart), Kate and Zoe were having their little pizza party and the song "Sleeping Lion" came on. I love that song! It reminds me of m childhood.



This totally made my day even with a peasant dish as its name. I love, LOVE, LOVE this movie! The food in the movie looks gorgeous.

And saffron, oooh saffron, it makes me miss it so much. I keep craving for my saffron risotto, badly.

It's seriously funny and highly entertaining. I'm thinking of watching it for the second time and third time. Will go buy the DVD when its out.

This movie totally rocks especially for food lovers because you find yourself identifying in Remy and how he de-constructs food, the way he describes his food and the way he experiments with food.

It's inspring for me and it makes me want to hit the kitchen to whip up a few dishes, to bake, to experiment, to eat and a long list of food related activities.

If only we have the luxury of time and money on our side...

link | posted by simin at 1:53 PM |


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