. The Tasting Palette .

. In celebration of food and dining experiences .

    Indulging myself in food porn (online or food magazines)
    Exploring and discovering new restaurants
    Dining and chilling out with my loved ones
    Baking and cooking over the weekends
    Sharing my love for food with others
    Desserts by Pierre Herme- Written by Dorie Greenspan
    Vanilla bean pods (one can never have enough)
    Valrhona Cocoa powder
    Valrhona chocolate
    Macarons from Laduree and Pierre Herme
    Madelines mold
    Pretty cake stands (I only have one and only one)
    YUZU from Japan! (They taste great in almost anything)
    A food tour to Italy and France
    Opportunity to study at Le Cordon Bleu

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

[[Biscotti- second time round]]

My first attempt at biscotti was a dismal failure. That has kept me away from baking it for a long time(about a year). This time, I was more inspired from the new cookbook I got for xmas- Nigella Lawson's Feast: food that celebrates life(which is a fantabulous book). I decided to give myself a second shot. (after all, we all do need second chances in life dont we?)

I'm glad that I dared to venture into making biscottis once again. Because this is much much better than the first. I just baked them in the evening at 6pm. And now, there are gone. Apart from being too choclatey, there are of the right texture and flavour. Gotta improve them in terms of looks wise and definitely cut down on the chocolate bits. You see, I didnt have almonds at home so I added extra chocolate- resulting in the too chocolatey flavours.

Anyhow, I'll definitely bake more biscotti next time(soon i hope)!
I totally relish the afternoon tea break of italian biscuit and coffee/tea.

Breakfast Biscotti
From Nigella Lawson's Feast: Food that celebrates life

Makes 20

1 egg
100g caster sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
few drops of almond essence
125g plain flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
50g natural shelled almonds
75g dark chocolate chips

1.Preheat the oven to 180 deg c.
2. Whisk the egg and sugar
until pale and moussily thick(use an electric whisk!!You need the mixture whipped enough so that it will leave a trail of ribbons)
3. Beat in the vanilla extract and almond essence and then slowly fold in the flour, baking powder and salt.
4. When the batter's all combined, fold in the whole almonds and chocolate pieces and then form the dough into a loaf like log.
5. Lay the biscotti log on to a piece of baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes; it will be a pale brown colour. Leave for 5 minutes to harden slightly and then cut diagonal slants of about 1 cm thickness along the length of the loaf to give finger-like pieces.
6. Put these back on to the parchment-covered baking sheet and cook again for another 10 minutes, turn the biscotti over and then cook for another 5 minutes.
7. Let the golden brown biscotti cool on a rack and then store them in an airtight container ready to be plucked and dunked at a moment's anticipatory notice.

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link | posted by simin at 11:53 PM |


Blogger Jiam commented at 1:20 AM~  

Hoy where is your tagboard? Anyway, are you sure you're not infringing on any copyright laws by posting these recipes up? Hmmm. And by the way you typed 'P' instead of 'J' in your NewYear entry MWAHAHAHA. I doubt it was deliberate.

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