. The Tasting Palette .

. In celebration of food and dining experiences .

    Indulging myself in food porn (online or food magazines)
    Exploring and discovering new restaurants
    Dining and chilling out with my loved ones
    Baking and cooking over the weekends
    Sharing my love for food with others
    Desserts by Pierre Herme- Written by Dorie Greenspan
    Vanilla bean pods (one can never have enough)
    Valrhona Cocoa powder
    Valrhona chocolate
    Macarons from Laduree and Pierre Herme
    Madelines mold
    Pretty cake stands (I only have one and only one)
    YUZU from Japan! (They taste great in almost anything)
    A food tour to Italy and France
    Opportunity to study at Le Cordon Bleu

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Latest Loves...

Say hello to my new friend from Japan- Mr An Pan Man.
He's so adorable. Don't you just want to pinch his cheeks. Grins.
He's a reminder of my favourite Japanese bun. How I love an pans and azuki beans!

Mr An Pan Man- "An Kick" and "An Punch"

I bought a new cake stand when I went to Lim's arts and living today. It's so prettily printed with pink and red hearts on a stripped stand. I can't wait to use it!

Cake stand

link | posted by simin at 9:24 PM |


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