. The Tasting Palette .

. In celebration of food and dining experiences .

    Indulging myself in food porn (online or food magazines)
    Exploring and discovering new restaurants
    Dining and chilling out with my loved ones
    Baking and cooking over the weekends
    Sharing my love for food with others
    Desserts by Pierre Herme- Written by Dorie Greenspan
    Vanilla bean pods (one can never have enough)
    Valrhona Cocoa powder
    Valrhona chocolate
    Macarons from Laduree and Pierre Herme
    Madelines mold
    Pretty cake stands (I only have one and only one)
    YUZU from Japan! (They taste great in almost anything)
    A food tour to Italy and France
    Opportunity to study at Le Cordon Bleu

Thursday, February 15, 2007

[[Picnic in a basket]]

J and I prepared a picnic feast at the botanical gardens. We had linseed bread with ham and horseradish sauce, butterhead greens with cherry tomatoes, bacon, croutons with lemon-mustard olive oil dressing and orange chocolate cake which I baked the previous night and not forgetting chilled pinot noir. We went there at about 5ish so the weather was not too hot, in fact there were quite a few others having their own feasts.
The orange cake is really unique-without butter or flour. It uses ground almonds. My folly was to put too much orange(or rather my oranges were too big. So do stick to small ones). The cake turned out too moist but other than that, it will be perfect. I'll definitely try baking it next time because the orange flavour is mighty alluring- even when you are cooking the oranges.

Orange chocolate Cake
by Feast:food that celebrates life by Nigella Lawsons
2 small orange about 375g( i mean small!)
6 eggs
1 heaped tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
200g ground almonds
250 g caster sugar
50g cocoa *(can add more for a more chocolatey taste)
orange peep for decoration
1. Put the whole oranges in a pan with cold water, bring to boil and cook for 2hr or until soft.
2. Drain, and when cool cut the oranges in half and remove any big pips. Chop the food finely by hand or pulp everything in a food processor.
3. Preheat the oven to 180 deg c and butter and line a 20cm tin.
4. Add eggs, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda almonds, sugar and cocoa to the orange in the food procesoor.
5. Pour into the tin can and bake for an hour.
6. Check after 45 mins because you may need to cover with foil to prevent the cake from burning.
7. Leave the cake to cool in the tin on a cooling rack
8. Decorate with strips of orange peel or coarsely grated zest if you wish.

link | posted by simin at 1:35 PM |


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