. The Tasting Palette .

. In celebration of food and dining experiences .

    Indulging myself in food porn (online or food magazines)
    Exploring and discovering new restaurants
    Dining and chilling out with my loved ones
    Baking and cooking over the weekends
    Sharing my love for food with others
    Desserts by Pierre Herme- Written by Dorie Greenspan
    Vanilla bean pods (one can never have enough)
    Valrhona Cocoa powder
    Valrhona chocolate
    Macarons from Laduree and Pierre Herme
    Madelines mold
    Pretty cake stands (I only have one and only one)
    YUZU from Japan! (They taste great in almost anything)
    A food tour to Italy and France
    Opportunity to study at Le Cordon Bleu

Sunday, July 15, 2007

of dinners and my new mixer

[[A fresh start to my bout of cooking and baking]]

Today was the first day I attempted to use my new oven. Cooked a simple dinner for Yvonne since she was coming by my new place. Now the meals that I prepare are all about simplicity. I figured that you really have to enjoy the whole cooking process and not tire yourself out too much even when cooking for people.

I was really pleased to find these cute baby potatoes ( see below) at the supermarket so I decided to get them for my roast potatoes and bacon side. Bought yellow and green bell peppers. It's a pity I can't get the red one if not they will make beautiful sets of "traffic lights" at my dinner table.

I love my bell peppers char-grilled. Their original sweet flavour is brought out fully- without much other ingredients or flavouring. It's simple yet absolutely lovely. Glad that Yvonne likes it even though she doesn't like bell peppers.

For the mains, I did pan fried peppered lemon salmon. This one was nice. I love the idea of cooking the salmon with the lemons- it softens the lemon and allows the juices to envelop the salmon. It also works well for decorative purpose. =)

Dinner was good and we had a good laugh reminiscing of our former jc days- talking about our tutors, our past antics, and the education system in Singapore.

Our dinner spread
Yvonne and I

Oh did I mention, I finally received my kitchenaid mixer last afternoon. That's GREAT news! I can't wait to bake!!

link | posted by simin at 10:02 AM |


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